Summer 2022

Courtown has had another very colourful Summer, with thousands of visitors adding to the liveliness of our beautiful Coastal Town. With recent works completed on the Pier Enhancement and major developments happening around the old Bayview site, the beginnings of a new era for Courtown are on the horizon. We've seen our restaurants and bars bustling again, public events, Salsa on the Pier, a Colour Run, the Amusements pumping,and so much more. It feels like we're back on our feet again, after two very difficult years. The recent stretch of heat and sun has seen locals and visitors alike, flocking to our beaches to refresh themselves and make lasting memories with their friends and families.

The six Trustees of Courtown Community Council (Registered Charity No. 20043414), have been working on a wide range of community projects that will strengthen our foundations for many seasons to come. Please take some time to read through a selection of highlights below. In line with the Charity Regulator's Governance Code, as a Registered Charity, all of CCC's Trustees serve as volunteers and make no personal gain from any CCC activities. We strive to represent and collaborate with a diverse array of other local groups, local schools, residents associations, businesses and public bodies, locals and visitors, that are stakeholders in our local area. CCC are grateful to all those who are supporting or engaging in our community efforts, and we look forward to this next chapter of consultation and local development.


Courtown/Riverchapel Smart Village Plan

Stage 2 of our Courtown/Riverchapel Smart Village Plan is underway, with an introductory survey being sent out to local Community Leaders. This survey will collect a preliminary set of results, regarding the themes that leaders from different groups believe should form the focus of a public consultation process that will be rolled out to the wider public later in the year. Collecting this information will set the scene for an objective analysis of the challenges and opportunities in our local area, and allow the working group to focus development efforts on local priorities. If you would like to learn more about the Smart Village concept, read here or you can watch this short video from EU Rural Development.  We would like the thank Lorna Fitzpatrick for her valued contribution and professional guidance with the Consultation process.


CCC Presentation to Municipal District 

On the 19th of April this year, Courtown Community Council was invited to join the Monthly Meeting of the Gorey-Kilmuckridge Municl District, at the Council Chamber in Gorey. We decided to use the valuable opportunity to highlight assets and opportunities in our local area; and to strengthen communication between CCC and Wexford Co. Council. CCC provided a 15-minute presentation on various topics from Burrow Management and Local Heritage, to expressing gratitude for the Council's efforts with the Pier Enhancement. We finished the presentation by introducing the scope of CCC's Clean Water Campaign and Smart Village Strategic Plan, to the Council Representatives. The meeting was very positive, with both parties agreeing that a meeting between community leaders and the Elected Councillors would be a beneficial next step. 


Community Representative Meeting

On the 5th of May 2022, CCC organised a meeting where representatives from local community groups would have a chance to meet with our local County Councillors and discuss priority topics. The meeting was kindly hosted by the wonderful team at Ballycanew-Ballyoughter Community Development Association. To read the minutes of the meeting, please click the button below.


Gorey to Courtown Footpath

Following on from the meeting of community representatives and local councillors, CCC formally request engagement with the feasibility process on the completion of the Gorey to Courtown footpath. We are still waiting on a reply from Wexford Co. Council (WCC), but will address the topic at an upcoming meeting. We aim to work with WCC to ensure a wholistic and comprehensive plan is developed and the best outcome for the area can be delivered


Courtown Plastic Free Town 

CCC is proud to have joined forces with BRITA Ireland and Seal Rescue Ireland to help our local community become less reliant on single-use plastics! In May, BRITA Ireland held a giveaway day in Courtown, providing 1,000 FREE BRITA jugs to Courtown residents, to assist our community in reducing or eliminating their use of single-use plastic water bottles. By switching to BRITA water filters and jugs, we can prevent countless single-use bottles from winding up in our landfills or polluting our seas and waterways.

#plasticfreetown #plasticfreecourtown #swapforggod #britachallenge


Courtown Woodland Alliance

The Courtown Woodland Alliance has recently released a new website with lots of information about our local Natural spaces and Heritage. Comprised of local voluntary groups including Courtown Community Council, Protect the Woods, Gallivanting Tours, Seal Rescue Ireland, local trail runners and The Courtown Woods Preservation Group. The partners are working with local landowners and public bodies, including the Forest Service, to protect and enhance Courtown’s existing woodlands for the preservation of nature, and promotion of community health and well-being.


Community Activities Fund

Back in February 2022, we successfully secured funding from the Communities Activities Fund to secure a 10ft x 8ft steel storage shed for our Tús Scheme workers. CCC would like to thank the Department of Rural and Community Development, Wexford County Council, and Martin Murphy Cabins and Containers, Carnew, for the support in pulling this community project together.


Riverchapel Community Garden

CCC is leading a project in conjunction with Wexford Local Development, Wexford County Council, and various community groups in Riverchapel to develop a community garden in Riverchapel. The area highlighted is located near Jimmyz Bar and the Community Complex.

Our joint proposal is to rejuvenate the currently derelict site with a beautiful, functional community garden. The garden will draw on permaculture and organic, no-dig principles to create an abundant mix of seasonal fruits, vegetables, flowers and native trees. All members of the community will be encouraged to engage with the project and to use it as a meeting place, to benefit local wellbeing and community spirit, with a side of free food. If you would like to be involved in the garden development and upkeep, please contact Jesh from Courtown Communtiy Council.

The current waste land

The planned garden!


Courtown Diversity Day

Courtown Diversity Day, organised by Craig Lang (Riverchapel Community Complex), Salah (Wexford Local Development, WLD), and sponsored by Courtown Hotel, was a huge success! "The day was the second event organised in the Gorey area with the intention of connecting members of the Ukrainian community and residents of the Courtown Hotel with other people living in the area. Community Development Officer with WLD, John Kelly hopes such initiatives can help to bring people from across the community together in a positive way." - Read the full Wexford Independent article here.


Clean Water Campaign Funding

CCC has been awarded €3,000 from the Local Authority Waters Programme under the Community Waters Fund, to run several community environment events and a citizen science water quality research project with Seal Rescue Ireland. There will be opportunities for members of the public to get involved in these events over the coming months. So keep your eyes peeled on social media for announcements about these events. 

Visit Our Facebook Page


Special Thanks 

We would like to give a special shout-out to Ray, our committed Tús Scheme worker. Ray has made a huge effort over the past year and a half around Courtown and the Natural Heritage Area. Ray's tireless work maintaining the Coastal Trail, litter picking, mowing, painting, and other general maintenance has kept the area tidy and in top shape for locals and visitors to enjoy. 

Special thanks also to the Summer Beach Litter Patrol Crew, Ray and Paudrig; Cody, who has volunteered with CCC during the Summer; to Philip and all the CE Workers; Courtown Tidy Towns; and to all concerned groups and individuals who help keep Courtown clean throughout the busy Summer months.


Thats it for this time! But we’ll be back again soon with more updates, news and information, so until next time!


Spring 2021