Lorraine O'Dwyer Lorraine O'Dwyer

Spring 2024

We've had a busy Spring! Award nominations, Storm Kathleen, Tree plants and Beach clean ups! Plus our AGM was held in April, catch up with this quarters newsletter!

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Lorraine O'Dwyer Lorraine O'Dwyer

Autumn 2023

Alzeimhers Ireland enjoys Memory Walks, Coastwatch inspects ours beaches and some changes to the Walking Trails

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Lorraine O'Dwyer Lorraine O'Dwyer

Summer 2023

Preventing crime, uncovering local history and winning awards!!! Read about our busy summer!

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Lorraine O'Dwyer Lorraine O'Dwyer

Autumn 2021

Concerns about transparency with our local government and scares down the woods with local children… Catch up on whats happened this autumn

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Lorraine O'Dwyer Lorraine O'Dwyer

Spring 2021

A new trail, a new telescope and an update on Courtown Woods

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Lorraine O'Dwyer Lorraine O'Dwyer

Summer 2022

An update to the Smart Village Plan, cleaner water and saying goodby to a valued part of the team

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