Spring 2021

New Walking Trail

Courtown - Kiltennel Walking Trail 2.5km: CCC has worked closely with Wexford Walking Trail (WWT) and National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) to advise on the route, construction and maintenance of the new mixed woodland coastal walkway. The Trail extends the already magnificent network of walking trails throughout the Courtown Area. This particular trail is part of the Slí Charman rehabilitation project. Once construction can resume, official WWT signage, including emergency markers will be installed allowing locals and visitors to make the most out of our free natural heritage amenities.


Protect Courtown Woods

The committee of Courtown Community Council (CCC) met this week and all agreed we must request that Wexford County Council delay the sale of Courtown Woods, due to concerns regarding future protection and development. The committee are agreeable for the sale of the Leisure Centre to go ahead separately as the wider community are keen to have the pool reopened. The committee, on behalf of the wider community, believes that the Section 38 agreement only covers public access to the woods and does not provide enough protection from further development in the woods. It is essential the details are clarified with all stakeholders now before the former community owned woodland transfers into private ownership.

CCC welcomes new business to the area and are keen to see the Adventure & Leisure Centre open where it is sympathetic with the communities needs and the townscape. However, the community has concerns with the lack of transparency and community engagement throughout the sale process. A significant area of Courtown Woods is designated as a proposed Natural Heritage Area. These Woods are a valued amenity for locals and visitors and provide a unique opportunity for the public to immerse themselves in nature and to connect with biodiversity in these times of crises. The community has fought for the protection of these woods for many decades and want no further felling of any trees, except under exceptional circumstances (i.e tree disease, extreme damage).CCC is currently collaborating with Wexford County Council, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Coillte and Wexford Walking Trails to manage all the trail systems in Courtown.

We are requesting an opportunity to meet with the proposed new owners, Wexford Co. Council and the liquidators to discuss the importance of our woods to the community, and to create a management plan for the future protection of the area.


New Telescope

CCC has partnered with SSE Renewables who have sponsored €5,000 for the purchase of a coin operated telescope to be installed on the seafront/pier. The telescope will tie in neatly with the Pier Enhancement works. Educational signage will accompany the telescope, giving locals and visitors an unimpeded view of the coastline and offshore works, as well as an opportunity to learn about the natural and cultural heritage of the local area. WCC and local councillors have kindly allocated funds to transport and install the telescope which is currently enroute from the UK. Finance generated from the Telescope will help CCC with ongoing maintenance and community development projects.


Autumn 2021


Summer 2022